Seasons of Projects
The Project “Internos” [Internals] that Del Pilar Sallum presents in this “Season of Projects”, has started in a research that the artist is developing with the use of the superposing of images technique, giving sequence to the series Corpus, exhibited in SESC Gallery, in 1998.
The production process of those images begins with pictures of small sections of the artist's body, which are later scanned and rebutted in the computer. The repetition of these segments, added to the great scale of the enlargement, produces a disconcerting image, a combination of familiar and at the same time not identifiable elements. The skin folds and rifts are directly associated to the body; not a natural, recognizable body, but a strange, modified body. They are images too figurative to be abstract - because in them the flesh is exaggeratedly eloquent - and too abstract to be figurative; it is impossible to precise which object they actually represent. The pictures are mounted in two great totems, between which the spectator can circulate. The disposition of the works was thought of by the artist with the intention of producing a corporal relationship between the work and the audience. When putting them out of the two-dimensional plan Del Pilar Sallum approximates them of sculptural objects, introducing a new element in her photographic production.
Cristiana Mazzucchelli
Em algum momento antes de mim – a inscrição brumosa da transmissão
At some point before me - the misty inscription of the transmission
The W Contemporary Art Center opens its programming in 2021 with artists Del Pílar Sallum and Weimar