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The W Contemporary Art Center opens its programming in 2021 with artists
Del Pílar Sallum and Weimar

(...) The setting up the exhibition of Para não me não me de mim (So I don't forget
myself) allows the public in the region to discover part of Del Pílar's recent
production, after his time at MARP - Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto Pedro
Manuel-Gismondi in 1997, when received the Award at the 22nd SARP - Ribeirão
Preto Art Salon, held at Casa da Cultura. With a strong autobiographical charge,
his work reveals values that invest in the allegorical charge of art, in order to
preserve in each small episode performed for the video or printed scenes,
fragments of his body as elements that reflect on other existences and personal
narratives. This is the case of the video in which the artist tries to wear her mother's
gloves in a struggle with memory and the insurmountable past. In the work Com o
véu imposto diariamente (With the veil imposed daily), created during the pandemic
period, echoes and resonances of other people's bodies, particularly those of
friends and artists who also found themselves in a type of forced solitude due to
isolation policies resulting from the health crisis, Del Pílar reinforces what is stated
in the editing: the direct link with a particular idea of isolated collectivity. Mother of
professionals working on the front line of the new coronavirus, the artist's
experience was taken to extreme consequences, as she lived in strict isolation for
more than a year, without any contact with her family and colleagues in the artistic

The title of the exhibition refers to a work by the artist, dated 2004, when she began
the research that resulted in her doctorate in Visual Arts at Unicamp. The reprinted
photograph returns to coexistence with two unpublished works, seventeen years
later, in order to be reinvented by this scenario resulting from the latest global
humanitarian crises.(...)

The Del Pílar Sallum presence of on the occasion in which CAC W's programming
is resumed together with the launch of the book by the artist who founded the
space and the production of Panoramas noturnos (Night panoramas), reinforces
the Art Center's commitment to the dissemination of the interior's artistic scene

The fact that both artists achieved dense research with practices preserved over
decades; the fact that they are over 60 years old and are active in the cultural
circuit of their cities and active in their practices, are arguments that reinforce the
CAC W program, which consists of promoting meetings of these scenes that are
often preserved in contexts of extreme disarticulation or devoid of public policies,
which happens with so many other women artists of the same generation.

Yolanda Cipriano e Josué Mattos


Como habitar o desenho

How to liven up the design

Claudia França

Branco da Noite

The White of the night

Ivanir Cozeniosque

A Mão Revelada

The Revealed Hand

Stella Teixeira de Barros


Temporada de Projetos

Seasons of Projects

Cristiana Mazzucchelli



Time Hand

Stella Teixeira de Barros



Maria Izabel Branco Ribeiro

Del Pilar Sallum

Del Pilar Sallum (english)

Maria Izabel Branco Ribeiro


Os Fios da Matéria

Materic Threads

Stella Teixeira de Barros


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